The Scallywag

Chardonnay 2023 - NEW VINTAGE

Chardonnay is the classic ‘winemakers grape’; effortlessly able to work with whatever style is in mind and still shine. Changes to fashion never phase this variety; whatever the season it is always ready to impress.

🏆 92 - Wine Orbit

Winemaker's Notes

The amazing array of soils and topographies in McLaren Vale make an amazing range of styles and wines possible here. This Scallywag is sourced from the roof of the Vale, just a stone’s throw from the Adelaide Hills, and yet retains all the best parts of its regional identity.

Bouquet & Palate

Striking, subtle, and satisfying, the Scallywag sidles up and says ‘enjoy’. All white peach fluff, bake ready bread dough, bay and lemon leaves. Just a titch of vanilla and sage leaf too. A swaggerous Scallywag that knows it’s good and doesn’t mind telling you all about it.

Food Match

Baked Rainbow Trout with Lemongrass, steamed Pak Choi and coconut rice.