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Pam’s ‘Can’t Fail’ Cake Recipe

 Eggs (Weigh first)
 Self Raising Flour
 Aroma Pagoda
 The Ruffian
 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
 Optional - Cinnamon
Poached Figs
 Raw Sugar
 The Ruffian Liqueur Muscat NV
 Orange Peel
 Cinnamon Stick
 Vanilla Pod
 Cloves fresh Ginger

Cream butter and sugar, add eggs and a teaspoon of vanilla and beat together.


Fold in flour and any spices( I add cinnamon).


Spread fruit of your choice on top and bake in oven at 175 C for an hour or until cooked.

Semi Poached Figs

A couple of days before baking day, semi poach your figs in a syrup of raw sugar, honey, water. Add some orange peel, The Ruffian Liqueur Muscat NV , a cinnamon stick, vanilla pod, a few cloves and grated fresh ginger.


Store in jar until baking day.